How to Add a New LLM Implementation

This guide demonstrates how to add support for a new Language Model (LLM) implementation, using OpenAI as an example. The implementation is defined in

Step 1: Add Dependencies

Add the required packages to pyproject.toml:


Step 2: Define the LLM Provider

LLM configurations in are scoped by provider. Each provider, such as OpenAI, requires its own Pydantic configuration class. Begin by assigning a meaningful name to the new provider in the LLMProviderNames enumeration:

class LLMProviderNames(str, Enum):
    OPENAI = "openai"

Step 3: Configure LLM Secrets

Next, define how secrets for the LLM are handled. For OpenAI, this includes an api_key. Create a secrets class that retrieves these values from environments secrets file:

class OpenAILLMSecrets(BaseSettings):
    model_config = ConfigDict(

    api_key: Optional[SecretStr] = Field(
        None, description="API key for the model provider."
  • env_prefix: Prefix for secrets, e.g., RAG__LLMS__OPENAI__.
  • Environment Variable Naming: To populate the api_key, use the variable RAG__LLMS__OPENAI__API_KEY in the environment file.

Example configurations/secrets.{environment}.env entry:


Step 4: Implement the LLM Configuration

Define the main configuration class for the LLM, extending the base LLMConfiguration:

class OpenAILLMConfiguration(LLMConfiguration):
    provider: Literal[LLMProviderNames.OPENAI] = Field(
        ..., description="The name of the language model provider."
    secrets: OpenAILLMSecrets = Field(
        None, description="The secrets for the language model."

    builder: Callable = Field(,
        description="The builder for the language model.",

provider: Constrained to the OpenAI value, ensuring only configurations matching LLMProviderNames.OPENAI are valid.

secrets: Links the configuration to the OpenAILLMSecrets class.

builder: Specifies a callable (e.g., responsible for initializing the LLM instance.

Add configuration to AVAILABLE_LLMS static

Example JSON Configuration

    "llm": {
        "provider": "openai", // only openai is accepted for `OpenAILLMConfiguration`
        "name": "gpt-4o",     // any model name compatible with OpenAI API
        "max_tokens": 1024,
        "max_retries": 3,
  • provider: Matches the provider defined in LLMProviderNames.

  • name: Specifies the LLM model (e.g., gpt-4o).

  • max_tokens: Sets the maximum token limit for the LLM.

  • max_retries: Defines the retry policy for API calls.

Step 5: Expose LLM Configuration

To make pydantic parse corresponding json object to our OpenAILLMConfiguration we need to add it to AVAILABLE_LLMS variable:

AVAILABLE_LLMS = Union[..., OpenAILLMConfiguration]

Step 6: Create the LLM Builder

The builder is responsible for initializing the LLM. Our implementation leverages llamaindex, to add the builder logic to we add necessary builder.

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from injector import inject
from llama_index.llms.openai import OpenAI

    from common.bootstrap.configuration.pipeline.augmentation.query_engine.llm_configuration import (

class OpenAIBuilder:
    """Builder for creating OpenAI language model instances.

    Provides factory method to create configured OpenAI objects.

    def build(configuration: "OpenAILLMConfiguration") -> OpenAI:
        """Creates a configured OpenAI language model.

            configuration: Model settings including API key and parameters.

            OpenAI: Configured language model instance.
        return OpenAI(


  • Dependencies: Use dependency injection (@inject) to ensure proper initialization.

  • Configuration: Extracts api_key, model, max_tokens, and max_retries from the OpenAILLMConfiguration.

  • Library Integration: Uses llama_index.llms.openai.OpenAI to create the LLM instance.

After all these steps, OpenAI models are ready to be configured and used in RAG System.