Quickstart Setup

This guide outlines the steps to set up and deploy the RAG system on your server or local machine.


  • Python 3.12
  • Docker

Configuration & Secrets

The default configuration is located in configuration.default.json. This file configures toy PDF dataset as the document datasource and defines default settings for embedding, augmentation, and evaluation stages. To customize the setup, refer to the configuration Configuration Setup.

Secrets Configuration

Create a secrets file at configurations/secrets.default.env. Below is a template:

# LLMs

# Langfuse

  • RAG__LLMS__OPENAI__API_KEY: Required for connecting to OpenAI LLM.
  • Langfuse Keys: RAG__LANGFUSE__SECRET_KEY and RAG__LANGFUSE__PUBLIC_KEY are generated during initialization and will need to be updated later.


Python Environment

  1. Install uv on your OS following this installation guide.

  2. In the root of the project, create a virtual environment and activate it:

uv venv
source .venv/bin/activate
  1. Install the required dependencies:
uv sync --all-extras

Services Initialization

To initialize the Langfuse and vector store services, run the initialization script:

build/workstation/init.sh --env default

NOTE: Depending on your OS and the setup you might need to give execute permission to the initialization script e.g. chmod u+x build/workstation/init.sh

Once initialized, access the Langfuse web server on your localhost (port defined in configuration.default.json under pipeline.augmentation.langfuse.port). Use the Langfuse UI to:

  1. Create a user.
  2. Set up a project for the application.
  3. Generate secret and public keys for the project.

Add the generated keys to the configurations/secrets.default.env file as follows:



After completing the initialization, deploy the RAG system using the following command:

build/workstation/deploy.sh --env default

This command sets up and runs the RAG system on your workstation, enabling it for use.